I Am Offering a Cash Reward for My Louey’s Return!
His name is Louis Vuitton but his friendly name is Louey. He is a full blooded, black and tan Miniature Doberman Pincher, He doesn’t have any white on him, his tail is docked and his ears are not cropped but still stand at full salute. He is an altered male. He is not micro-chipped. He is a taller breed, weighing in at 13 lbs. He was last seen wearing his blue collar. Louey has been missing from the Germantown-Highlands area since March 07, around 7 p.m.
I have put up over 600 flyers with the help of my mom and sister. Louey has his own facebook page “Bring Louey HOME,” and we also blast his flyer on our social networking pages. Every animal hospital/clinic has a flyer as do all the animal shelters we could contact. I go to Louisville Metro Animal Services every three days since he has been missing, because after they pick up a “stray,” if it is not claimed within five days, they adopt it out or it is sent off to a rescue.
One of the ladies at LMAS who has become familiar with me and my mom told us that since Louey was not micro-chipped there is such a thing as people stealing smaller breed animals and reselling them out of county and state just to make a profit. In the Highlands area alone, I have seen six small dogs missing, after Louey being the first. Please be aware that people are doing this. The LMAS lady told us you can send out an Amber Alert type thing for your pet if this were to happen to you. She also told us that it is not strange for people to pick up a stray or lost pet and drive it to another county; as a matter of fact, it’s very common.
If you have any information about the whereabouts of Louey, please contact me, Heather Alexander, at (502) 819-7216, or my mom Tammy at (502) 416-7062.
Report on Tree Giveaway
On April 7, at Douglass Community Center, A Joint Highlands Arbor Day Committee partnered with global Plant for the Planet! and handed out 1,610 bare-root seedlings purchased from the Kentucky Division of Forestry.
Visitors, who numbered 128 over the Easter weekend, included Congressman John Yarmuth and Mayor Greg Fischer. The Master Gardeners had two information tables, the Belknap and the Highlands-Douglass neighborhood associations had forms for new members, and the Beargrass Creek Alliance had a table of pamphlets to educate visitors and volunteers about rain water runoff. Staff from the Douglass Community Center helped throughout the day. Volunteers from neighborhood associations, the Master Gardeners, and Chief Forester Robert Bean helped visitors decide what seedlings to plant and how to plant them.
All seedlings except the white pines were native to Jefferson County. The understory species included gray dogwood, Washington hawthorn, American hazelnut, paw paw and redbud. The canopy species included black cherry, persimmon, yellow-poplar, white oak, black oak, Shumard oak, swamp white oak and black walnut.
A total of 1,509 trees were planted in the Louisville Metro area, of which 270 were planted in Bingham Park, Cherokee Park and Tyler Park by volunteers for Sarah Wolff with the Olmsted Parks Conservancy. Forty-five more oaks went to Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve in Goshen.
Major sponsors were the Belknap, Deer Park, Highlands-Douglass and Upper Highlands neighborhood associations, along with Metro Council members Tom Owen and Tina Ward-Pugh, local businesses and private donors.
Join us next year to celebrate Kentucky State Arbor Day (the first Friday in April) at the Douglass Community Center, April 6, 2013, and Plant for the Planet!
Stephen R. Spanyer, Organizer
Plant for the Planet! A Joint Highlands Arbor Day Committee