
Two issues back, I ruminated about the Fort Hood killings. Since then, a Muslim extremist tried to blow up a plane over Detroit and an Islamic terrorist, turned covert agent, blew away seven CIA agents.
But Americans are quick to forget. Let’s not forget ...
1) On July 4, 2002, an Egyptian national named Hesham Mohamed Hadayet strolled into L.A. International Airport, shot and killed an El Al ticket agent and another L.A. resident, then stabbed an El Al security officer, before being shot dead. The Mayor played it off as “an isolated incident.”
2) While stationed in Iraq in March of 2003, Sgt. Hasan Karim Akbar tossed a grenade into a tent of sleeping soldiers, killing two officers and injuring 14 soldiers.
3) In October 2005, 21-year-old University of Oklahoma student Joel Henry Hinrichs III died after accidentally exploding a backpack bomb. It blew just outside an 84,500-seat, sold-out stadium. One source reports recovering significant amounts of Jihad material from his apartment.
4) In July 2006, Naveed Afzal Haq pushed his way into the Seattle Jewish Federation, shooting six and killing one.
5) In October 2008, Shirwa Ahmed, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Minneapolis, along with four other suicide bombers, simultaneously killed 29 people at five different locations in northern Somalia, including a presidential palace, Ethiopian Trade Mission and an intelligence office.
6) In May 2009, James Cromitie, Laguerre Payen, David Williams and Onta Williams were arrested for planting car bombs outside the Riverside Jewish Center in New York City; the had also planned to shoot down aircraft with stinger missiles.
7. In June 2009, Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad drove to a Little Rock Army-Navy recruiting station and gunned down two soldiers on a cigarette break.
8. In September 2009, Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, was arrested by the FBI for attempting to bomb a 60-story glass office tower in downtown Dallas.
And, no doubt, this is just a shadow of the reality. Who can know of all the other attempts made on American soil and around the globe?
Just a sobering reminder: this War on Terror, this self-described “good war” in Afghanistan of our once-upon-a-time STOP THE WAR President Obama, may go on longer than any war we’ve ever known, drain more blood than our hospitals can contain and more gold, riches and oil any accountant can fathom.
This War on Terror knows no national boundaries, has no flags to surrender; but has bountiful men, women and children outside of uniform – foreign and home-grown killers who consider it a religious sacrament to blow themselves up alongside as many Americans and American Allies as possible.
No lesser bona fide conservative than George Will argues against our surge in Afghanistan. His November 4, 2009 column, “Unicorns in Kabul” bears a good read.

The BROWNIE OF THE WEEK goes to ALL the wonderful coffee houses on Baxter Avenue and Bardstown Road – almost a dozen, each with their own ambiance and “regulars.”

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