
By the time you read this, the tragic deaths at Ft. Hood carried out by Islamic Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan will be old news ... old, old news. Everyone possible will have been interviewed, the talking heads will get their licks in, untold ink will be spilled to make columns, and fear and loathing of Muslims will no doubt rise a notch in the opinion polls.  There may be talk of a Fifth Column.  There may be more violence – whether the Cross or the Crescent is revered by the Haters.  
The war came home.  
But, I do have one thing to add, to ponder.  Dr. Hasan attempted “Death by Military” like many suicidal candidates attempt “Death by Cop.” Did you know that we have lost more American soldiers ordered to re-up to suicide than we have by enemy hands in Iraq and Afghanistan?  

AFGHANISTAN: TO BE OR NOT TO BE? Unlike the tragedies at Ft. Hood, Afghanistan may never be old news.  The New Obama Strategy, even if announced, can be taken back with an Act of Congress (like not funding).  Are we doomed to repeat history as George Santayana said of those who ignore its lessons? Do we instead, as a British leader recently remarked, “make our own history”?  The Afghans threw out the Brits, then the Soviets.  Will our drones, smart bombs and state-of-the-art instruments of death make the difference? Can you ever subdue an indigenous people? Forever? Ask a Viet Cong.  
If international terrorism is indeed international, is Afghanistan the only place IN THE WORLD that those who savagely attacked America can build a training camp?  Who is the enemy:  the Taliban or al-Queda – and is there really a difference?  
Afghanistan is not Iraq – not by a long shot.  We’ve been in Afghan valleys and mountainsides for eight years now.  How many years is too many?  How much blood is it worth?  
May our prayers be with our leaders. The decision they ultimately make – which may be months or even years from now – will affect us forever.  

I periodically argue with a friend as to whether the Highlands is unique.  He is a world traveler and contends “every city has its ‘Highlands.’”    
True – to some extent.  But I’ve seen firsthand the “hot spots” come and go.  Go to Austin now, time travel back and it’s where we are now (just not as cool).  I’m told the most coveted T-shirt in Austin is KEEP LOUISVILLE WEIRD.  
I lived in Key West in the ‘80s and there’s a place called “South Beach” where you could sleep at night then fill up at a local joint with an All-You-Can-Eat breakfast buffet at the locally owned Eatery.  I visited a few years ago and the chain restaurant that gobbled up the Eatery was charging $5 for a beach chair.  Holding back vomit, I turned tail and headed home.   We are unique here because the vast majority of businesses stay local, we buy local, and we are a community I refer to as the world’s largest college campus. Ideas clash and the dialectic has breathing room.

Bold young entrepreneurs risk all to open shops on Bardstown Road, and with the frequency of European tourists, they come and go.  My favorite to spotlight this month is SNAILHEAD, 2009 Highland Avenue – next to my buddy Craig’s UNDERGROUND SOUNDS.  
SNAILHEAD buys, sells and trades oddities, collectibles, rarities, toys, gifts and art – right down to kiddie bikes and a ready-to-rock drum set.  
Major stock is in cool superhero and fantasy, in-the-box collectible toys. Near the corner of Baxter Avenue/Bardstown Road, they can be reached at (502) 224-1918 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Check ‘em out.  

E-mail Carl at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .